Scott Kiser is the Chief Technical Consultant, Founder and Owner of Laser Maintenance Group (LMG). He and his wife Angela also own and operate an industrial laser cutting firm, Innovative Laser & Design, which designs and laser cuts both industrial parts and home and business decor.
After a stint in the U.S. Navy as a submariner and journeyman electrician (Petty Officer aboard the USS Spadefish nuclear sub), Scott worked on industrial laser cutting systems in the private sector. His attention to detail and customer service, along with his laser maintenance, repair and machine shop process improvement expertise, helped him develop a nation-wide reputation as “The Laser Service Guy”. He is a sought-after laser maintenance, safety and operations trainer.
Scott and the team at LMG are based in Northwest Georgia, near I-75 between Chattanooga and Atlanta. They have nearly 3 decades of experience installing, maintaining, repairing and rebuilding CNC CO2 laser systems such as Rofin-Sinar, Fanuc, Cincinnati Inc., and Trumpf. LMG provides numerous laser equipment parts.
Because LMG experts have a great reputation in the CO2 industrial laser community, they also are often asked to buy or sell laser systems.
To discuss how the experts at Laser Maintenance Group can help your business, call 423-593-7206 or email lasersolutions@comcast.net.

USA Veteran-owned small business.